We're excited to introduce our book, Discovering Your Temple Insights. It has been a labor of love to organize a lifetime of learning experiences into a book that can help readers get more from their Savior in the temple. We hope it enhances your ability to gain your own temple insights!
Our Story
We are high school sweethearts. We met in our high school band when we were living in Nashville, Tennessee. Julie is a convert to the Church who was baptized as a Young Single Adult in 1989. A lifelong member, Aaron served as a missionary in the Chile Concepción Mission from 1990 to 1992, and we married shortly after he returned in 1992 in the Atlanta Georgia Temple.
We have served in numerous Church callings. Julie has served as a Stake Relief Society President, a ward Young Women’s President, ward Primary President, and Family History Consultant. Aaron has served as a Bishop, Stake High Counselor, Stake Sunday School Presidency member, Elder’s Quorum President, ward Young Men’s President, and Seminary Teacher. He is currently serving as an ordinance worker in the Dallas Texas Temple.
Julie has an Associate of Science degree in General Studies and a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Studies from Brigham Young University Idaho. Aaron has Bachelor's and Master of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University Provo, a Master of Business Administration degree from The University of Texas at Austin. He is currently a candidate to receive a Doctor of Science degree in Healthcare Leadership from The University of Alabama at Birmingham.
We are parents of two adult children, and we live in Frisco, Texas, just north of Dallas.
During our Church service, we have had many opportunities to help individuals prepare for and worship in the temple. Many members want to gain more from their temple experience but are unsure how. We decided to spend our pandemic free time trying to find a way to help them. Our book emerged from those efforts.
In our book, we present an approach for gaining personal temple insights, which are learned individually via study, experience, and inspiration. Many books help readers learn about the temple. Our book helps readers learn from the temple. We designed it as a guide and a workbook, sharing personal stories of how we learned from the Savior in the temple and inviting the reader to have his or her own experiences while there.
We hope our book will help anyone seeking greater insights from the temple. Your insights will connect you to your Savior, for the temple is His house.